About Me

Hi there! My name is Tiger, and I'm currently pursuing a B.S. in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics at Brown University with a focus on Software Principles and AI/ML.

Some of my other hobbies and passions include:

  • Breakdance! I'm the Dance Captain of Ground Breakin', Brown's premier breaking club — you might catch a glimpse of me spinning on my head if you drop by one of our practices.
  • Classical Music — I've played violin and piano for over 8 years, and I'm a current violinist for the Brown University Orchestra.
  • Basketball is my favorite sport, and on any given day you'll likely find me playing a pickup game or obsessing over NBA analytics.
  • Word Hunt. With a high score of 55.1k and over 2,500 wins, you'll be hard pressed to find a bigger WH fanatic than me.

Other Notable Work

Multi-Threaded Search

Built a concurrent, thread-safe search engine that implements tf-idf scoring and Google's PageRank algorithm to return relevant results for a given query.


Caching I/O

Programmed a virtual single-slot cache to optimize read, write, and seek system calls for a custom file input/output library.


Travel Planner

Implemented Dijksta's Algorithm to calculate the ideal path between any two cities based on minimum cost or duration as well as maximal directness.


Decision Tree

Developed a decision tree machine learning algorithm to predict the classification of various items on provided datasets with over 80% accuracy.


Liquid Image Scaling

Used memoization and dynamic programming to implement an efficient, content-aware image resizing algorithm minimizing unwanted distortions.


My Portfolio

My personal website! In other words, what you're looking at right now.




B.S. in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics @ Brown University

GPA: 4.0/4.0 — check out my courses below!

Work Experience

SWE Intern @ Braze

June 2023 — August 2023

  • Created plugin to serialize Figma wireframes for Braze’s In-App Message builder, enabling companies to design and push personalized promotions to customers with zero code
  • Added security and quality-of-life features to the client developer console such as private key obfuscation for improved data protection and analytics detailing API usage trends
Engineer @ The Critical Review

April 2023 — Present

  • Currently working on Brown University's official website for course and professor reviews!
  • Goal: migrate legacy code to a more modern tech stack, refine the search algorithm for improved reliability and accuracy, and improve overall web accessibility/responsiveness
Undergraduate TA @ Brown

January 2023 — May 2023

  • Conducted weekly office hours, lab sections, and design checks for 400+ students to teach core data structures, algorithms, and OOP principles
  • Revamped course project Decision Tree, increasing staff solution code accuracy by 10% and revising handout to improve student understanding of concepts such as mutability, recursion, and trees
CS Summer Institute @ Google

July 2021 — August 2021

  • Configured 10+ projects to practice object-oriented programming, effective UI/UX, authorization and authentication, and Git
  • Developed a personalized “university student page” app to provide college students with features such as a built-in calendar, a note-taking app, and a local restaurant recommender